AKG N30 In-Ear Headphones (Audiophile Earbuds) Review

On a quest to find your next set of earbuds? Luckily, you’ve got a lot of choices. Headphones are a hot item these days, and there are an endless supply of manufacturers hoping to get you to try theirs.

Not only have headphones become a fashion accessory, but high end audio is simply addictive. Remember the first set of high quality headphones you listened to? If your experience was anything like ours, it’s as if your favorite songs took on a whole new shape, as if you were hearing it for the first time.


Fortunately, you don’t need to have an astronomical budget to enjoy high quality headphones. The important thing is to look away from the trendy fashion headphones, and explore companies that have a track of high quality audio. AKG is one of these companies. While they’re not necessarily a household name, you’ll absolutely find some AKG hardware in the studio. AKG’s full size headphones are often used to master audio tracks, and have even been used on many Billboard hits. With theAKG N30 In-Ear Headphones,,,,the company is hoping to allow you to bring that studio sound with you while on the go.


First Look





耳朵提示安装接受四个不同的年代ize sleeves, and are angled to point directly into your ear canal. This lets them fit a little deeper, giving the drivers a direct path to your eardrums.






This is now studio headphones work. Music is made up of a variety of frequencies. The lowest notes are down around 20 hertz, while the highest are around 40 khz. Most audio equipment is tuned. This means that some notes are reproduced more than others. This is what gives headphones their unique sound. Some are bassy, others have silky smooth midranges, and so forth. The possibilities are virtually endless, and this is why picking a pair is more of a matter of personal taste than anything.


The end result? When you’re playing well recorded sound, these headphones absolutely sing. You feel as if the artist is standing right next to you, performing live. Subtle nuances of the songs come to life, letting you enjoy your music in a way you never have.



The sound of them will be enjoyed best by musicians, or serious music fans. Anyone who appreciates the artistry that goes into songs will be able to appreciate those songs more here.

Another thing we liked is the fact that they can be used with any type of music. Heavy metal sounds powerful, aggressive, and forceful. An orchestral track is clean, harmonic, and full. Folk sounds organic, raw, and authentic. How the headphones perform depends entirely on how the artist wanted their song to hear. When these tracks were recorded, they were done using a pair of headphones that sounds very similar to these. So this is the most true-to-form way to enjoy your music.



Most people use their phones to enjoy music. Since this isn’t a simple iPod, you’ll want a pair of headphones that can double as a microphone for hands-free calling. There is a mic built into the in-line controller. It’s very clear and powerful, so your callers can hear your voice clearly even when the cord is dangling down by your side.


But one of the most exciting features is the sound filters. You can use the optional bass or treble filters to change the sound to something more your liking. It’s important to note that we’re not talking about standard filters. Usually this refers to a digital processing technique. But these are physical inserts that go inside the headphones and change the way they sound manually. These inserts don’t distort or damage the audio in anyway, instead just providing you with a unique way to enjoy your music.





Lastly, the soft-tip eartips are much smoother and malleable than your standard eartips, providing superior comfort and durability.


While these are a very high quality earbud, they come at a steep price. If you’re looking for the best of the best, you can probably justify the price. But if you’re just looking for a replacement for your Beats brand earbuds, these might not be the best option.



Overall, these earbuds offer incredible performance in a compact package. While theN40耳机are the top of the line models, they need a high-end DAC or amplifier in order to really shine. The N30s provide comparable sound, in a package that has been slightly modified to work well with cellphones, iPods, or common audio devices.

即使您还没有在Studio Headphone Concept上完全出售,我们也强烈建议您提供AKG N30 Earbuds一试。许多严重的发烧友相信某o earbuds are the only way to enjoy music. It might take a day or two to warm up to them, but once you’ve heard how your music is supposed to sound you’ll likely never want to go back.

Are you looking for the best with absolutely no compromises? TheN40耳机提供略有升级,使其成为系列中最好的。另外,N25耳机在为预算更具智力的人群制作的包装中提供了相同的工作室风格。

No matter which option you choose, you’ll likely be proud that you chose AKG to show you how your music is supposed to sound.


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