AKG N25高分辨率运河耳机(耳机)评论

在寻求下一双热门耳机?在您订阅似乎很普遍的时尚或低音文化之前,请花一点时间考虑工作室级耳机。录音室耳机不像您的平均一对。Studio Headphones没有拥有自己独特的声音签名,而是为您的音乐提供特定的风格或形式,而是将声音留给了艺术家。

Every major producer uses studio gear to produce their albums. This is considered to be reference grade. What you hear is exactly the same thing that the artists themselves heard.




First Look



What’s in The Box

When you first open your new AKG N25’s, you’ll be impressed with how many accessories are included. For us, the unboxing experience was a throwback to the days of classic gaming. Remember when old games came in a massive box including manuals, guides, and accessories? These headphones are much the same. They’re bundled in a soft-touch carrying case. Although it’s hard internally, the top is finished with a nice soft fabric that feels good in the hands. The zipper is attached via an elastic material, that makes it comfortable to zip and unzip.


这last accessory included is an airplane adapter. This is mainly used on older planes where dual 3.5mm jacks are used for stereo sound instead of the single one. While this is mostly phased out on domestic flights, international flights often use this feature in order to force you to buy their overpriced headphones. Thanks to this adapter, you’ll be able to enjoy the high quality audio you paid for.



AKG N25耳机具有时尚,但也很时尚。蓝绿色的绿色型号的柔和的柔和外观,并由抛光的银色圈和激光刻有AKG徽标的强调。这些耳塞风格的耳机像大多数人一样直接插入耳朵,但是驾驶员的独特位置使他们可以更好地将声音引导到您的耳道中。

这size of the earbuds is a little larger than most, but the shape of them allows them to still fit comfortably in your ear. They sit flush, staying firmly in place even during high levels of activity. The main difference between these models and the higher end ones is the placement of the cord. While the N30 and N40 models go over the ear, these ones are lightweight enough to just have the cord drop straight down like most headphones.



If you’re considering headphones of this caliber, the sound quality is what’s going to sell you on them. For the price, it’s unlikely that you’ll find better.


For us, it felt as if we’d been flying on a plane with our ears plugged. Once the pressure equalizes, suddenly the world around you sound clearer, more vibrant, and engaging. These headphones do the same thing with our music. Subtle details that we’ve never noticed before were suddenly prominent. The bass, midrange, and treble didn’t sound like three separate frequencies. Instead, we heard our music as a whole. It wasn’t about the individual components, but the way these components interacted with each other to create something greater than the sum of their individual value.

是什么让爱科技机N25他们独特的年代ound? It’s difficult to reproduce the entire range of audible frequencies with a single driver. These particular models have two separate drivers. The highs, as well as most of the midrange, is produced by a single driver positioned directly into the ear canal. The bass driver is located in the enlarged housing. Because they are positioned away from the ear, the enclosure acts the same way the cabinet on a subwoofer would. This makes for expansive, roomy sound that creates a vibrant soundstage. You don’t get that ‘closed in’ sound that so many headphones suffer from. Instead, you get something that sounds the same as a pair of high end speakers in a large room.


If you’ve never heard studio grade headphones before, be prepared for a little change. These aren’t going to sound anything like your Skullcandys. Unlike most, studio headphones treat each frequency the same. They don’t enhance any, or favor any. The frequencies are played back exactly the same way they were recorded. At first, this can sound a little underwhelming to some. They don’t have that ‘in your face’ feeling that so many headphones do. If you do end up trying them out, make sure to give them an hour to grow on you. We can guarantee that once you’re familiar with the sound, you won’t want to hear anything else.




这earbuds are a little larger than some, allowing them to rest comfortably in your ears. The pressure isn’t all on your ear canal. Instead, the enclosures rest against the back of your ear. At 15 grams, they’re more lightweight than most dual-driver systems. And this lightweight nature makes them very easy to enjoy for a long period of time.





如果你正在寻找一双入门级的研究o headphones, theAKG N25’sare a great place to start. What we like most about them is the fact that AKG didn’t compromise on sound quality. Even though they’re nearly half the price of their N40s, the sound has many of the same qualities we appreciated about them. With their stylish look, and ability to be driven from a standard cell phone, we’d recommend these earbuds to anyone who’s looking to step up their music listening experience.

Looking for something with a little more kick? TheAKG N30 Headphonescan still be driven by a cell phone, but replace the dual driver system with a dynamic driver that makes everything sound a little more cohesive. If you want the best of the best, then you should consider the AKG N40 headphones. This top end model does require an additional amplifier if you want to get the most from it, but it offers world-class sound that very few headphones come close to.


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